Fichier de données | Cas | Variables |
!! One line per union for the interviewees which declared at least one union, in addition of one line per individual who had no partnership !!
This dataset contains all the answers to the module Union. All MAFE's biographic files include the same 18 variables listed below: - ident - id_country - n_menage - n_indiv - num_dr - strata_area - strata_hh - strata_ind - q1 - q1a - age_survey - q18 - flag_age - flag_arrival - flag_visitor (exception: only available for MAFE Senegal) - weight_eur - weight_all - weight_ctry |
2598 | 32 |
!! One line per child for the interviewees who declared at least one child, in addition of one line per individual who had no child !!
This dataset contains all the answers to the module Children. All MAFE's biographic files include the same 18 variables listed below: - ident - id_country - n_menage - n_indiv - num_dr - strata_area - strata_hh - strata_ind - q1 - q1a - age_survey - q18 - flag_age - flag_arrival - flag_visitor (exception: only available for MAFE Senegal) - weight_eur - weight_all - weight_ctry |
4375 | 32 |
!! One line per house for all the interviewees (everybody had to declare at least one house) !!
This dataset contains: - all the answers to the module Housing. - a series of dichotomous variables created from the question q307. All MAFE's biographic files include the same 18 variables listed below: - ident - id_country - n_menage - n_indiv - num_dr - strata_area - strata_hh - strata_ind - q1 - q1a - age_survey - q18 - flag_age - flag_arrival - flag_visitor (exception: only available for MAFE Senegal) - weight_eur - weight_all - weight_ctry |
7784 | 49 |
!! One line per activity for all the interviewees (everybody declares at least one activity) !!
This dataset contains: - all the answers to the module Activity. - a series of dichotomous variables created from the question q407. All MAFE's biographic files include the same 18 variables listed below: - ident - id_country - n_menage - n_indiv - num_dr - strata_area - strata_hh - strata_ind - q1 - q1a - age_survey - q18 - flag_age - flag_arrival - flag_visitor (exception: only available for MAFE Senegal) - weight_eur - weight_all - weight_ctry |
8148 | 45 |
!! One line per property for each person who declares at least one property and one line per individual with no asset !!
This dataset contains: - all the answers to the module Assets & Business. - a series of dichotomous variables created from the questions q509, q514 and q515. All MAFE's biographic files include the same 18 variables listed below: - ident - id_country - n_menage - n_indiv - num_dr - strata_area - strata_hh - strata_ind - q1 - q1a - age_survey - q18 - flag_age - flag_arrival - flag_visitor (exception: only available for MAFE Senegal) - weight_eur - weight_all - weight_ctry |
2241 | 79 |
!! One line per attempt for each person who declared at least one attempt and one line for the other interviewees !!
This dataset contains: - all the answers to the module Migration Attempts. - a series of dichotomous variables created from the question q805. All MAFE's biographic files include the same 18 variables listed below: - ident - id_country - n_menage - n_indiv - num_dr - strata_area - strata_hh - strata_ind - q1 - q1a - age_survey - q18 - flag_age - flag_arrival - flag_visitor (exception: only available for MAFE Senegal) - weight_eur - weight_all - weight_ctry |
1707 | 49 |
!! One line per long & short stay outside Ghana for each person who declares at least one stay and one line per individual who did no stay abroad !!
This dataset contains: - all the answers to the module Long & Short stay outside Ghana. - a series of dichotomous variables created from the questions q610, q614, q615, q616, q617, q619. All MAFE's biographic files include the same 18 variables listed below: - ident - id_country - n_menage - n_indiv - num_dr - strata_area - strata_hh - strata_ind - q1 - q1a - age_survey - q18 - flag_age - flag_arrival - flag_visitor (exception: only available for MAFE Senegal) - weight_eur - weight_all - weight_ctry |
1958 | 154 |
!! One line per return to Ghana for each person who declared at least one return and one line for the other interviewees !!
Note: returns listed in this module are returns that lasted at least 1 year and shorter returns but with the intention of settling. Other returns (less than a year without intention to resettle) are listed in the qb_short_return datafiles. This dataset contains: - all the answers to the module Return to Ghana. - a series of dichotomous variables created from the questions q707 and q708. All MAFE's biographic files include the same 18 variables listed below: - ident - id_country - n_menage - n_indiv - num_dr - strata_area - strata_hh - strata_ind - q1 - q1a - age_survey - q18 - flag_age - flag_arrival - flag_visitor (exception: only available for MAFE Senegal) - weight_eur - weight_all - weight_ctry |
1717 | 74 |
!! One line per migration (for stays of at least one year) for each person in the network of the interviewee, and one line for each interviewee who has nobody abroad !!
This dataset contains: - all the answers to the module Migrations of Family Members and Personal Network. - computed variables: id_enf, id_uni, id_net and id_netmig. All MAFE's biographic files include the same 18 variables listed below: - ident - id_country - n_menage - n_indiv - num_dr - strata_area - strata_hh - strata_ind - q1 - q1a - age_survey - q18 - flag_age - flag_arrival - flag_visitor (exception: only available for MAFE Senegal) - weight_eur - weight_all - weight_ctry |
6429 | 34 |
!! One line per return to Ghana of less than a year for each person who declared at least one short return (without a resettlement intention) or one line for a multiple return, and one line for all other individuals !!
This dataset contains all the answers to the module Return to Ghana of Less than a Year. All MAFE's biographic files include the same 18 variables listed below: - ident - id_country - n_menage - n_indiv - num_dr - strata_area - strata_hh - strata_ind - q1 - q1a - age_survey - q18 - flag_age - flag_arrival - flag_visitor (exception: only available for MAFE Senegal) - weight_eur - weight_all - weight_ctry |
2263 | 20 |
!! One line per stay of less than a year outside Ghana for each person who declared at least one stay !!
This dataset contains all the answers to the module Stays of Less than a Year outside Ghana. All MAFE's biographic files include the same 18 variables listed below: - ident - id_country - n_menage - n_indiv - num_dr - strata_area - strata_hh - strata_ind - q1 - q1a - age_survey - q18 - flag_age - flag_arrival - flag_visitor (exception: only available for MAFE Senegal) - weight_eur - weight_all - weight_ctry |
2428 | 22 |
!! One line per citizenship for each person (everybody should have at least one citizenship) !!
This dataset contains all the answers to the module Citizenship. All MAFE's biographic files include the same 18 variables listed below: - ident - id_country - n_menage - n_indiv - num_dr - strata_area - strata_hh - strata_ind - q1 - q1a - age_survey - q18 - flag_age - flag_arrival - flag_visitor (exception: only available for MAFE Senegal) - weight_eur - weight_all - weight_ctry |
1794 | 22 |
!! One line per asylum application for each person who has made at least one application, and one line for the other individuals !!
This dataset contains all the answers to the module Asylum. All MAFE's biographic files include the same 18 variables listed below: - ident - id_country - n_menage - n_indiv - num_dr - strata_area - strata_hh - strata_ind - q1 - q1a - age_survey - q18 - flag_age - flag_arrival - flag_visitor (exception: only available for MAFE Senegal) - weight_eur - weight_all - weight_ctry |
1673 | 23 |
!! One line per residence permit for each person who has had at least one permit, and one line for the other persons !!
This dataset contains all the answers to the module Residence Permits. All MAFE's biographic files include the same 18 variables listed below: - ident - id_country - n_menage - n_indiv - num_dr - strata_area - strata_hh - strata_ind - q1 - q1a - age_survey - q18 - flag_age - flag_arrival - flag_visitor (exception: only available for MAFE Senegal) - weight_eur - weight_all - weight_ctry |
2380 | 25 |
!! One line per work permit for each person who has had at least one permit, and one line for the others !!
This dataset contains all the answers to the module Work Permits. All MAFE's biographic files include the same 18 variables listed below: - ident - id_country - n_menage - n_indiv - num_dr - strata_area - strata_hh - strata_ind - q1 - q1a - age_survey - q18 - flag_age - flag_arrival - flag_visitor (exception: only available for MAFE Senegal) - weight_eur - weight_all - weight_ctry |
2334 | 24 |
!! One line per transfer for each person who has sent remittances at least once, and one line for the other persons !!
This dataset contains: - all the answers to the module Transfers. - the created variable nom_transr which gives the total number of transfers made by Ego. All MAFE's biographic files include the same 18 variables listed below: - ident - id_country - n_menage - n_indiv - num_dr - strata_area - strata_hh - strata_ind - q1 - q1a - age_survey - q18 - flag_age - flag_arrival - flag_visitor (exception: only available for MAFE Senegal) - weight_eur - weight_all - weight_ctry |
1731 | 22 |
!! One line per period during which each person has joined a migrant association, and one line for the other persons !!
This dataset contains all the answers to the module Associations. All MAFE's biographic files include the same 18 variables listed below: - ident - id_country - n_menage - n_indiv - num_dr - strata_area - strata_hh - strata_ind - q1 - q1a - age_survey - q18 - flag_age - flag_arrival - flag_visitor (exception: only available for MAFE Senegal) - weight_eur - weight_all - weight_ctry |
1688 | 20 |
One line per HH, i.e. a total of 1246 HH in Ghana
The dataset contains information on: - HH characteristics (computed variables from modules A & B); - HH head characteristics (all variables from module A, including the computed variables created for the dataset "qm_indiv"). Variables names: hh_a1 to hh_a21; - Housing and assets of the HH head (module E); - Information on the conduct of the interview (module O). |
1246 | 193 |
One line per declared individual in the HH questionnaire, i.e. a total of 7135 individuals in Ghana
Observations in this data file correspond to: - Individuals living in the household at the time of the survey (A4=1) - Individuals living outside the household (A4=2) included in the roster if they enter into one of the following categories: */ children of the HH head who no longer live with her/him, whatever her/his place of residence; */ partners of household members who live outside Ghana; */ parents of household members who live outside Ghana; */ other people living outside Ghana and who had regular contact with the household during the 12 months before the survey. WARNING! Don't forget that only part of the people listed in the household questionnaires, i.e. in "qm_indiv" are actual members of the households. Furthermore, keep in mind that some individuals, in this dataset, never lived in Congo, Ghana or Senegal. For example: - Descendants of migrants, born in the destination country of their parents. Ex: the HH head is a grandfather whose son has immigrated to France, where he had children. These children can be mentioned by the grandfather in the third category "other persons living outside Senegal but who have kept regular contact with the HH during the 12 months before the survey", even if they have never lived in Senegal. - Relatives of immigrants in Congo, Ghana or Senegal. Ex: the HH head is an immigrant woman from Angola. She has left behind (in her home country) her husband and children. Even if they have never lived in Congo, she mentioned them in the HH questionnaire because they are in the third category. The dataset contains all variables of the questionnaire and some additional computed variables. |
7135 | 151 |
!! One line per interviewee !!
This dataset contains variables that do not very over time, i.e. answers to the introductory module of the questionnaire and to variables from the inter-modules of the questionnaire, plus some computed variables. As for variables statu_mig, migr_cur, migr_ret, migr_cjt and migr_no: a same individual can be coded 1 in several of the migratory status variables; e.g. a same individual can be both returnee and a partner of a migrant at the time of the survey. NB: these variables may show results different from the stratification variable (strata_ind), which content was determined by answers given by proxy respondents in the household surveys. These variables (migr_*, presented in this table) are computed using the information obtained in the biographic surveys. All MAFE's biographic files include the same 18 variables listed below: - ident - id_country - n_menage - n_indiv - num_dr - strata_area - strata_hh - strata_ind - q1 - q1a - age_survey - q18 - flag_age - flag_arrival - flag_visitor (exception: only available for MAFE Senegal) - weight_eur - weight_all - weight_ctry |
1666 | 153 |